Monday 30 July 2012


I've got a confession to make today... I've been very VERY naughty in terms of diet these last few days, and I've been slack with exercise too, although I do have a good excuse for that, which I shall get to in a minute. Firstly, I should say, I went to the doctor last week to get some blood test results back and as it happens my cholesterol is very high. My doctor has given me an info sheet on low-cholesterol foods, and she's also instructed me to get regular exercise. Now all this should be extra motivation, and it is, but still I've been terrible at following it. I've eaten some foods in the past 3 days that would give my doctor (or possibly me) a heart attack, and I haven't exercised since last Thursday.

Saturday was the Opening Ceremony, which is the only part of the Olympics I actually watch, and I spent part off this time stuffing my face with Chicken Crimpy's, Mars Pods, and strawberry milk, because apparently I can't sit for that long staring at the TV without eating junk. And then yesterday I made a really creamy Mac & Cheese and baked a chocolate cake of which I proceeded to eat about a 3rd of last night. Well, the cake was low-cholesterol but it wasn't low-fat, lol.

As for the exercise, I had to go without my anti-depressants for 5 days, and despite claims of it being "not addictive" I had at least 3 days of withdrawal symptoms that made me feel like absolute crap and I literally couldn't do anything for the majority of the time. I felt dizzy, faint at times, moody as hell (which was extremely enjoyable for my family as well as me), nauseous, and ridiculously tired during the day due to the night sweats and weird dreams I was having during the night. Fun times. Then I had to go through my body re-adjusting when I started them again.
So, yeah, my diet and exercise thing isn't going so well... until today, that is. I've been the picture of health today. Porridge and coffee for breakfast, a very sensible slice of cake for a morning snack, salmon and salad roll & apple for lunch, Vita-Weats with vegemite for an afternoon snack, and tonight I'll be making Fettucine with Shiitake Mushrooms and Basil for dinner. I might even treat myself with some Sakata Gourmet Bites (which I discovered today, very little calories and NO cholesterol! yay!) while I curl up to watch some Dexter with the boyfriend tonight. We've been watchin a lot of Dexter recently, nothing like a bit of evil to end the day, haha. Oh, and I did my Monday Workout which I posted a few days ago, I know I said August but why not start early?

Why did I feel the need to confess my "diet sins"? Well, I think it helps me stay on track from now on, I can look at it there in black and white and say, "yeah, I did that wrong, now it's time to fix it!" Every time I fail only makes me more determined to succeed, and who knows, maybe this is the pivotal moment where it all falls into place for me. So far so good, and I'm feeling pretty good about it right now. Remember, you can always turn it around, even if you stuff up. The reality is, 3 days of eating badly won't do a thing if you can follow it up with a few months of good eating (with the occasional treat of course) so it's onwards and upwards from here!

Now I need to go and get myself all rugged up, it's getting a little chilly. If anyone needs me I'll be under the pile of blankets and robes :)

KimmyBear xx

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Finally... My "Before" Photos!!

Hey guys, apologies for taking so long with this post, I've been busy and just hadn't got around to it. I had a depressing moment this morning when the scales told me I've gained 1.5kg in a week (damn you scales, you bastards!!), but my strict eating and exercise plan officially starts tomorrow so I'm staying positive.

Onto the matter at hand, a few days ago I promised my lovely fellow Ninja Sex Missiles that I would post my "before" pictures on here. Don't worry girls, I haven't chickened out :p I'm finally biting the bullet and getting around to it today. As I said in a previous post, my current weight is 82kg, although with the bit I've gained I'm now around 83kg... So you know my weight, now it's time to see what it looks like. I'm sure I will regret this, lol.

Well, there I am. I don't really like looking at these, but hey it's motivation right? Sorry about the crappy pictures by the way, I was trying to take them in the only mirror in our house, which is situated in a very poky little bathroom. You can see the evil scales and also Hannah's potty behind me there lol. I have pictures of me at my goal weight aswell, but I'm not going to post them right now because they'll make me depressed. Maybe another time... That's all from me for now, hope you're all well.

Night Lovelies!

KimmyBear xx

Friday 20 July 2012

Goal #2 - Awesome Hair

I am going to refer to this goal as the "Awesome Hair Plan" for now, just because it has a bit of a ring to it, and I'm not feeling very inventive today. My hair has been short for around 6 & a half years now, and though I love it short (so easy to style and maintain) I need a change. I've tried growing it before but always end up getting frustrated and chopping it off. Well, not this time! This time it's going to happen, I'm determined!

Now, I even planned all this out, because apparently I've become obsessed with planning. Firstly, for hair to grow nice and quickly it needs to be kept healthy. So mine is going to be super healthy. I had been dying my hair black, but the chemical dyes just kill it slowly and horribly so I've switched back to Henna Dye. I LOVE Henna Dye! I can get awesome colour, and it even makes my hair HEALTHIER! What could be better? Well, admittedly, the colour range is very limited if you want to keep it all natural, but lucky for me I love red hair! I use the "Red" colour from and it makes my hair lovely and shiny. I can't wait til all the black has grown out and I'm back to having all red hair again!

The next thing for keeping hair amazingly healthy is this stuff:

This is Moroccan Oil, and I'm telling you this is the best shit in the universe for hair. You only need the tiniest amount, so even though it's a tad expensive, it lasts for ages and is well worth it.

So that's my 2 favourite hair products out of the way. I haven't had time today to do all the research, but my next mission is to buy a heap of hair accessories to make my hair prettier while its growing through those awkward stages. Luckily, I already have some beautiful bows and flowers made by the lovely Tash over at, but I could probably use some more. Also, I'll be frantically collecting pictures of hairstyles that I like, to give to the hairdresser. I'll post some ideas here in the next couple of days, and you can tell me what you think!

That's about it from me today, except to say I can't wait to have awesome hair and be even more awesome than I already am (I'm humble too) :p

Until Next Time

KimmyBear xx

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Goal #1 - Lose 10kg by Christmas

I'm feeling quite productive today. I sat down and made a slightly more comprehensive list of my goals for the year. As you know, the first one is to lose weight. My current weight (eek!) is 81kg. Now, I've figured out that 10kg by Christmas averages out to around 0.5kg a week - quite achievable if I'm a good girl at least 90 percent of that time :p Going by this idea, I've made a list of "mini-goals" to achieve along the way, and keep me motivated aswell.

My Mini Goals

25 August: 79kg
25 September: 77kg
25 October: 75kg
25 November: 73kg
25 December: 71kg

As you can see, I've made the "goal days" the 25th of each month since the whole point of this is 10kg by Christmas, and using the same day of each month just makes it seem... neater somehow. And I'm weird like that. So on the 25th of each month I will check in here on my blog and record my progress, whether I've reached my goal for that month and what-not.

Diet & Exercise

How do I intend to achieve this, you ask? With a healthy diet and regular exercise (ie. the proper way). I hate using the word "diet" because of the image it portrays - food deprivation, constant hunger, eating salad when you really want a burger - but it's the easiest way to refer to changes to your eating pattern. I really REALLY love food, eating is one of my favourite things to do, so clearly diets don't work for me. My version of a diet is eating healthy food, paying attention to what I'm putting into my body, and if I want a treat, great! I just make sure I go for the healthiest version of what I want. After doing this consciously for a while it will become a habit and I won't even need to think about it. Now, I didn't need to sit down and work my diet out, because I have already been extensively planning our meals in advance and gradually switching to healthy treats & snacks, so that's one thing already out of the way. Awesome.

Exercise, however... this needs some work, lol. But I have a plan. For the rest of July I will be doing a walk of at least 30 minutes a day/ 5 days a week, with weekends off. From the beginning of August, I am going to be following an exercise plan that I found somewhere (I believe it may have been Pinterest). It has a workout for every day Monday- Thursday, then on Friday it's choose your own, and again with weekends off. Here are the plans:

Just a couple of warnings on this though if you're planning on doing it. Monday, the reverse curls - these are quite dangerous as you can cause yourself a back injury, it's recommended to lift one foot at a time, and keep the other flat on the floor with your knee bent. Wednesday, shoulder presses - these are very dangerous also, and you shouldn't do these at all. Stay safe people!

So that's just the beginning of the plan, it'll give me a pretty good start :) I could write more, but there's dishes to be done and an aching head to rest.

Until Tomorrow...

KimmyBear xx

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Ninja Sex Missiles (Kimtashalie)

So, you're probably all wondering what the dickens is a Ninja Sex Missile?? Well, allow me to explain... You see, myself and 2 very good friends of mine got to talking about our goals for this year and, long story short, we're crazy. Absolutely batshit insane. This is the only conclusion I can draw from recent proceedings. It all started with this post on facebook, from the lovely Tash...

Things that will happen before Christmas... my 5 month plan:
1. Lost that pesky 10kg that snuck it's way back in after the wedding due to my complete lack of exercise
2. Get all my thick hair chopped off and go short and am possibly thinking of getting my hair bleached white
3. Design and get my first tattoo
4. Work on my career plan... work out what I really love doing, get qualified and go for it.

Well, myself and Natalie both saw this and thought "Geez, this really looks like MY plan", we both commented as such and the 3 of us then concluded that we are in fact the subject of some sort of mind-control program, possibly designed to make us the most awesome beings on planet Earth... Possibly not. Following this revelation was a very long, probably misguided conversation about starting some sort of group for ourselves, we bounced around name ideas for some time, and somewhere amongst all this madness a Facebook page was created... here:  We've since had a couple of people join us in our quest for awesomeness, and that's great! The more the merrier, and if our insanity can be put to some good use motivating others, then our purpose shall be done. So, I should probably write up my own personal plan/goals on here, as it differs slightly from Tash :)

My goals for 2012 :)

1. Lose weight, get healthy, and get fit. I have more than 20kg to lose, but realistically I know that won't happen by the end of the year, so I'm going to say 10kg aswell. And lets face it, even 10kg is going to make me feel SO much better!

2. Grow my hair longer, finally. I've been meaning to for years, this time it's going to happen! I love my short hair but I need a change.

3. Get a tattoo, and get my nose piercing back. I had to take it out before as Hannah was just a bub and kept grabbing it, lol.

4. Sort out my career plan. I am going to decide on a distance education course and just do it!

5. Get more organised, for myself and my family. Things have been in disarray since someone who we thought to be a good friend kicked us out of his house, and I need to sort our shit out!

That's probably about it for now, and I'll go into these points more in the next week, but it's a start. As you can see, the Ninja Sex Missiles are really just some good friends on a mission to change our lives for the better, and throwing in a large dose of silliness to make it fun :p I can feel the positivity already. I love my amazing friends for being so supportive (and just as crazy as me).

Until Next Time...

KimmyBear xx
Ok guys, I'm back!! I'm going to start the whole thing from the beginning again, since I kind of let this go to dust before... Well, I guess I should tell you about myself. I'm a 23 yr old Mummy and Housewifey. My wonderful little family consists of my amazing man Joel, my 3 yr old daughter Hannah, and Joel's 4 yr old son Josiah. We're not a traditional type of family, but we're still pretty awesome :p Oh, and as of yesterday, I'm now a Ninja Sex Missile... Don't even ask, I'll get to it later, lol.

I love spending my days looking after Joel and Hannah (Josiah doesn't currently stay with us, but we're hoping to change that when we get a new place), even though I have been terribly disorganised and unmotivated recently. I'm hopeful that keeping this blog will help to keep me going. I guess I'll just be posting about anything and everything, but I particularly love family stuff, art & crafty things, photography, baking, music, animals, design, health & fitness. Things of that nature. So if you're into similar subjects, stick around!! I'm going to do a better post later, but for now,

Laters. KimmyBear xxx