Tuesday 17 July 2012

Ninja Sex Missiles (Kimtashalie)

So, you're probably all wondering what the dickens is a Ninja Sex Missile?? Well, allow me to explain... You see, myself and 2 very good friends of mine got to talking about our goals for this year and, long story short, we're crazy. Absolutely batshit insane. This is the only conclusion I can draw from recent proceedings. It all started with this post on facebook, from the lovely Tash...

Things that will happen before Christmas... my 5 month plan:
1. Lost that pesky 10kg that snuck it's way back in after the wedding due to my complete lack of exercise
2. Get all my thick hair chopped off and go short and am possibly thinking of getting my hair bleached white
3. Design and get my first tattoo
4. Work on my career plan... work out what I really love doing, get qualified and go for it.

Well, myself and Natalie both saw this and thought "Geez, this really looks like MY plan", we both commented as such and the 3 of us then concluded that we are in fact the subject of some sort of mind-control program, possibly designed to make us the most awesome beings on planet Earth... Possibly not. Following this revelation was a very long, probably misguided conversation about starting some sort of group for ourselves, we bounced around name ideas for some time, and somewhere amongst all this madness a Facebook page was created... here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ninja-Sex-Missiles/395777880478671  We've since had a couple of people join us in our quest for awesomeness, and that's great! The more the merrier, and if our insanity can be put to some good use motivating others, then our purpose shall be done. So, I should probably write up my own personal plan/goals on here, as it differs slightly from Tash :)

My goals for 2012 :)

1. Lose weight, get healthy, and get fit. I have more than 20kg to lose, but realistically I know that won't happen by the end of the year, so I'm going to say 10kg aswell. And lets face it, even 10kg is going to make me feel SO much better!

2. Grow my hair longer, finally. I've been meaning to for years, this time it's going to happen! I love my short hair but I need a change.

3. Get a tattoo, and get my nose piercing back. I had to take it out before as Hannah was just a bub and kept grabbing it, lol.

4. Sort out my career plan. I am going to decide on a distance education course and just do it!

5. Get more organised, for myself and my family. Things have been in disarray since someone who we thought to be a good friend kicked us out of his house, and I need to sort our shit out!

That's probably about it for now, and I'll go into these points more in the next week, but it's a start. As you can see, the Ninja Sex Missiles are really just some good friends on a mission to change our lives for the better, and throwing in a large dose of silliness to make it fun :p I can feel the positivity already. I love my amazing friends for being so supportive (and just as crazy as me).

Until Next Time...

KimmyBear xx

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