Monday 30 July 2012


I've got a confession to make today... I've been very VERY naughty in terms of diet these last few days, and I've been slack with exercise too, although I do have a good excuse for that, which I shall get to in a minute. Firstly, I should say, I went to the doctor last week to get some blood test results back and as it happens my cholesterol is very high. My doctor has given me an info sheet on low-cholesterol foods, and she's also instructed me to get regular exercise. Now all this should be extra motivation, and it is, but still I've been terrible at following it. I've eaten some foods in the past 3 days that would give my doctor (or possibly me) a heart attack, and I haven't exercised since last Thursday.

Saturday was the Opening Ceremony, which is the only part of the Olympics I actually watch, and I spent part off this time stuffing my face with Chicken Crimpy's, Mars Pods, and strawberry milk, because apparently I can't sit for that long staring at the TV without eating junk. And then yesterday I made a really creamy Mac & Cheese and baked a chocolate cake of which I proceeded to eat about a 3rd of last night. Well, the cake was low-cholesterol but it wasn't low-fat, lol.

As for the exercise, I had to go without my anti-depressants for 5 days, and despite claims of it being "not addictive" I had at least 3 days of withdrawal symptoms that made me feel like absolute crap and I literally couldn't do anything for the majority of the time. I felt dizzy, faint at times, moody as hell (which was extremely enjoyable for my family as well as me), nauseous, and ridiculously tired during the day due to the night sweats and weird dreams I was having during the night. Fun times. Then I had to go through my body re-adjusting when I started them again.
So, yeah, my diet and exercise thing isn't going so well... until today, that is. I've been the picture of health today. Porridge and coffee for breakfast, a very sensible slice of cake for a morning snack, salmon and salad roll & apple for lunch, Vita-Weats with vegemite for an afternoon snack, and tonight I'll be making Fettucine with Shiitake Mushrooms and Basil for dinner. I might even treat myself with some Sakata Gourmet Bites (which I discovered today, very little calories and NO cholesterol! yay!) while I curl up to watch some Dexter with the boyfriend tonight. We've been watchin a lot of Dexter recently, nothing like a bit of evil to end the day, haha. Oh, and I did my Monday Workout which I posted a few days ago, I know I said August but why not start early?

Why did I feel the need to confess my "diet sins"? Well, I think it helps me stay on track from now on, I can look at it there in black and white and say, "yeah, I did that wrong, now it's time to fix it!" Every time I fail only makes me more determined to succeed, and who knows, maybe this is the pivotal moment where it all falls into place for me. So far so good, and I'm feeling pretty good about it right now. Remember, you can always turn it around, even if you stuff up. The reality is, 3 days of eating badly won't do a thing if you can follow it up with a few months of good eating (with the occasional treat of course) so it's onwards and upwards from here!

Now I need to go and get myself all rugged up, it's getting a little chilly. If anyone needs me I'll be under the pile of blankets and robes :)

KimmyBear xx

1 comment:

  1. I've been having a shocking time this past five days too :( Which sucks coz my last weigh in was really good! I'm due for my shit-faced-die-of-pain-make-me-feel-like-death monthly nowish (well 5 days ago actually...but it's making a big deal out of not arriving :/ ) so I lost most of my control and was just starving for things I shouldn't be eating. And I haven't had hardly any water these past few days so Im super bloated too... so I wouldn't worry too much! you're not alone munchkin!
    Your dinner sounds fantastic!! I love mushroom pasta so much!

    And you're absolutely right! It doesn't matter if you make a few mistakes along the way, the point is that you're willing to get right back into the healthy eating instead of giving up. This early on in our journey it's important we know how to handle our weaknesses, and that can only happen through experience
    Xx :o)
