Tuesday 24 July 2012

Finally... My "Before" Photos!!

Hey guys, apologies for taking so long with this post, I've been busy and just hadn't got around to it. I had a depressing moment this morning when the scales told me I've gained 1.5kg in a week (damn you scales, you bastards!!), but my strict eating and exercise plan officially starts tomorrow so I'm staying positive.

Onto the matter at hand, a few days ago I promised my lovely fellow Ninja Sex Missiles that I would post my "before" pictures on here. Don't worry girls, I haven't chickened out :p I'm finally biting the bullet and getting around to it today. As I said in a previous post, my current weight is 82kg, although with the bit I've gained I'm now around 83kg... So you know my weight, now it's time to see what it looks like. I'm sure I will regret this, lol.

Well, there I am. I don't really like looking at these, but hey it's motivation right? Sorry about the crappy pictures by the way, I was trying to take them in the only mirror in our house, which is situated in a very poky little bathroom. You can see the evil scales and also Hannah's potty behind me there lol. I have pictures of me at my goal weight aswell, but I'm not going to post them right now because they'll make me depressed. Maybe another time... That's all from me for now, hope you're all well.

Night Lovelies!

KimmyBear xx

1 comment:

  1. You and me are very similar in shape :) Well done on posting your photos Kimmy!!! It's not an easy thing to do and I am proud of you! Before photos are a great motivation to keep going, whenever I feel like I can't keep going with my exercise or whatever I look at mine and it keeps me going!
